Monthly Archives: November 2015

WCS NDSR Project Post: “AMIA 2015”

Our National Digital Stewardship Resident, Genevieve Havemeyer-King, has another post  on the NDSR-NY Program blog:

This one focuses on her experience at the Association of Moving Image Archivists’ 2015 annual conference.  As Genevieve notes, of particular interest to WCS’s mission–and our NDSR project–“was Linda Tadic’s (Digital Bedrock) talk on the environmental impact of digital preservation.”

Check it out!

Eagle Sculptures at the Bronx Zoo (And Beyond), Part 1

_MG_0233This post was written by Kimio Honda,  Studio Manager in WCS’s Exhibition and Graphic Arts Department. This is part 1 of 2 posts on eagle sculptures at the Bronx Zoo and beyond.

Lions and eagles, as kings of beasts and birds, may be among the most common subjects of sculptures in public spaces. It is no surprise then that we find several eagle sculptures at the Bronx Zoo. Let’s take a look at them, starting with the oldest one.

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