Monthly Archives: April 2019

124th Anniversary Blackout Poetry

To celebrate today’s 124th anniversary of WCS (founded as the New York Zoological Society), we held a blackout poetry contest using the first page of the Society’s First Annual Report during our staff Library & Archives Open House last week. Here are some selections of the poetry our creative staff came up with! 

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National Library Week 2019 [Instagram]

For National Library Week, we’re highlighting books in our library written and edited by WCS authors, both historical and present: William Bridges, William Hornaday, George Schaller, William Beebe, Amy Vedder and Bill Weber, Liz Bennett and John Robinson, and Ullas Karanth.

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The Smallest Artifact [Archives Hashtag Party]

For this month’s Archives Hashtag Party theme of #ArchivesArtifacts, we chose to feature our smallest artifact of the archives, this slightly-larger-than-a-penny sized book features photos from the Bronx Zoo. But you don’t need a magnifying glass to see these pictures! They are part of our digitized Bronx Zoo Postcards, which can be found on the WCS Library & Archives website.

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